Anger Management

Do you feel like your anger is way out of your control?

Is your anger triggered by trivial actions or situations?

Is anger affecting your job, home life, or health?


Feeling angry is not abnormal behavior, and every human handles the emotion in different ways. When you don’t recognize why anger occurs, you have problems controlling it. Sometimes, you can improve your condition on your own. However, when anger results in elevated aggression, wild outbursts, isolation from others and poor health, it should be treated with professional counseling. By taking advantage of anger management counseling in Charleston, you can improve your well-being and lead a healthy life.

Everyone Expresses Anger Differently

Although many associate an angry person with loud outbursts and violent acts, chronic anger can also manifest itself in suppressed rage. If you constantly feel mad or grumpy and distance yourself from others to avoid conflicts, you can increase your chances of developing anxiety problems or depression. Medical experts say that some people are more likely to have anger problems than others, and the behavior often begins at an early age.

Is Releasing Anger a Healthy Technique?

The myth that chronic sufferers can alleviate their rage issues by releasing their anger in a bold fashion is false. Depending on the situation, releasing anger can be healthy, but an explosion of rage can be hazardous to you and the others involved. Identifying what triggers anger is more beneficial than assaulting someone or something to release the rage.

How Do You Control Your Temper?

Before seeking anger management counseling in Charleston, you can practice a few techniques that can help minimize a flare-up. You can

•         Practice deep breathing and relaxation

•         Take a break in a low-stress environment

•         Avoid saying the first thing that enters your mind when you’re angry

•         Stay away from volatile online forums and chatrooms

•         Concentrate on making the situation better

•         Ask for help

How Concierge Therapy Can Help

Handling your anger issues is challenging, but the professionals at Concierge Therapy can help you return to an everyday life. Contact Concierge Therapy to schedule your free 30-minute consultation.