Body Image

Do you find yourself worrying about how other people view your body?

Does anxiety over the way you look keep you from pursuing your goals and enjoying your life?

Is it difficult to think positive things about your body?


You are not alone. Body image issues are extremely common and cause difficulties in the lives of countless individuals. 

What Is Body Image? 

Body image is how a person views their body and how those beliefs affect that person’s functioning in the world. This can be judgments a person makes about their size, shape and features. How much a person values physical appearance plays a part, as well.

This idea of body image can be affected by many factors, including social media, advertisements, interactions with others, movies and television, and more. It can also change over time as the body changes with age and natural processes such as puberty, childbirth and menopause.

What Impact Does Negative Body Image Have? 

When you have a negative body image, it can affect every aspect of your life. You may engage in negative self-talk and find it difficult to be around other people for fear that you are being judged as you judge yourself. While it’s natural to dislike certain aspects of your appearance or wish you could alter them, many people are able to have these feelings but not let them have a significant impact on their lives.

But you may not be able to move past obsessing over perceived flaws. Your low self-esteem in regards to your body may cause them to miss out on many of life's greatest joys. In extreme cases, you may develop body dysmorphic disorder, which is when you can't stop thinking about the flaws you believe they have. 

How Can It Be Helped?

If you struggle with body image issues, professional counseling has been shown to help with the management of self-image significantly. It allows you to ease your suffering from poor self-esteem over your body to live a fuller, more vibrant life. 

Body image counseling in Charleston is available to help. Contact Concierge Therapy today to schedule your free 30-minute consultation.