Depression Counseling

Do you feel like despair and hopelessness has taken hold of your life and won’t let go?

Do these emotions interfere with your daily activities and relationships?

Is getting through the day overwhelming?

Depression Counseling in Mount Pleasant, SC and Charleston, SC

You may be experiencing depression. It can completely change how you feel, think, and function in daily activities such as eating, studying, sleeping, working and enjoying life. If left untreated, it may become a serious health condition.

What are common symptoms?

This condition can affect people differently. You may feel apathetic or lifeless, or you may have a sense of impending doom. These are 10 common depression symptoms:

  1. Changes in weight or appetite

  2. Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness

  3. Changes in sleep patterns

  4. Loss of energy

  5. Loss of interest in daily activities

  6. Feelings of self-loathing

  7. Reckless behavior

  8. Unexplained pain

  9. Trouble concentrating

  10. Increased anger or irritability

Men and women often experience different symptoms. Men tend to acknowledge irritability, sleep disruptions, fatigue, and lost interest in daily activities. Women are more likely to engage in excessive sleeping and overeating, and experience weight gain and strong feelings of guilt.

What Causes Depression?

The cause of depression is often not just due to a chemical imbalance in the brain. Multiple factors may be contributing to your depressive episode. Inflammation, immune system suppression, hormonal changes, nutrient deficiencies, shrinking brain cells, and abnormal brain activity can contribute. These social and psychological factors shouldn’t be overlooked as possible causes as well:

  • Past trauma

  • Loneliness

  • Low-self esteem

  • Substance abuse

  • Lifestyle choices

  • Marital or relationship problems

  • Chronic illness

  • Personality

  • Family history

  • Stress

The first step in getting back your sense of peace and enjoyment in life is reaching out for support. If you’re ready to discover strategies to ease your symptoms, schedule your free 30-minute consultation with one of our expert depression therapists today.