Perfectionist Thinking

Do you find it difficult to start a project because of your fear that it won’t turn out perfectly?

Is your anxiety about appearing imperfect keeping you from leading the life you desire?

Does your obsession with everything being “just right” get in the way of positive experiences and self-love?


While perfectionism is often viewed as a positive thing in society, especially in school and work environments, perfectionist thinking can cause you incredible difficulties as you are overwhelmed by your internal drive toward perfection. 

How Does Perfectionist Thinking Impact You?

You may be unable to view situations objectively, seeing everything as all or nothing and viewing every mistake as a devastating blow. Words like "must" and "should" may frequent your thoughts about yourself as you see everything in black and white, perfect or worthless. You may have extreme fears of failure and performing less than perfectly that keep you from engaging in activities. You may feel an intense need to be admired or loved and can fear that anything less than perfection will cause people to dislike or dismiss you. 

If you suffer from perfectionist thinking, you may also have trouble with anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and burnout.

How Can Perfectionist Thinking Be Treated?

Though perfectionistic behavior can be debilitating, you can find relief with the help of a licensed counselor. Therapy can give you the tools you need to overcome your perfectionist thinking, teaching you to accept flaws as part of life and to reframe your thinking to be more open to mistakes and imperfections. 

Perfectionism counseling in Charleston is available for those who need it. Contact Concierge Therapy today to schedule your free 30-minute consultation.