Pre-Marital Counseling

Are you engaged and worried you and your partner do not share the same values and beliefs?

Are you looking for a relationship road map to help you and your fiancée overcome pre-marriage doubt and anxiety?


Pre-marital counseling in Charleston is a kind of therapy that helps couples prepare for marriage. A pre-marital counselor can help you and your partner develop the skills needed to build a strong, committed relationship. 

Issues Discussed in Pre-Marital Counseling 

Pre-marital counselors can help you identify and solve problems in your relationship before you get married. Your marriage counselor can help you discuss issues such as: 

  • Religion

  • Communication

  • Gender roles

  • Intimacy

  • Sex

  • Anger issues

  • Desire to have children 

Pre-marital counseling can help you and your partner improve communication, set realistic goals for marriage, and develop skills to address and solve conflicts. Counseling can be beneficial for couples who have different family systems, religious beliefs, and cultural backgrounds.  

What to Expect in Pre-Marital Counseling 

After you and your partner decide to start counseling, you should know what to expect during your first session. Your pre-marital counselor may ask you and your partner to fill out a questionnaire before your appointment separately. These forms can help the counselor identify potential issues in your relationship. Together, you and your counselor will go over the results and discuss strategies for overcoming problems. Additionally, your pre-marital counseling in Charleston will help you set goals for upcoming sessions and establish a treatment plan if needed.

Work With Concierge Therapy 

We understand the excitement, uncertainty, and anxiety that often come with an engagement. Most couples are busy making wedding plans but may neglect to do the work necessary to start their marriage off on the right foot. Contact Concierge Therapy today to schedule a free 30-minute consultation.